Hi 👋 buddies, long time no see? Spring, Ramadan, and vacation were the reason.
But here I’m back with some of my favorite links on the web recently, hope you will like them and please share yours
✍🏽 Article
How to professionally say: A guide for your daily "professional" interactions (not really, try at your own risk)
18 Little Stories That Will Have a Massive Impact On Your Life
How to Freaking Find Great Developers By Having Them Read Code: When hiring developers, there are many things we are looking for, but over the years I have found that raw coding ability is easily the most important quality to look for.
Job postings can reveal signs of trouble ahead with a potential employer or role. Experts break down the red flags that candidates should look for in job ads.
🛠 Tool/Product
Tandem Shower 🚿 Showering together sucks? Brett Skaloud and Jeff Feiereisen, who met while working at Amazon. Skaloud has over 15 years of experience designing products from the ground up, including Amazon Scout and Amazon Go. He teamed up with Feiereisen, to make Boona, a tandem shower.
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Do you think you know all iPhone hacks out there? look at those ones 👇🏼
3. A thread of the best documenatries on Netflix 👇🏼

“Biologist and genetics expert Dr. David Sinclair is out to prove he can live past 100 years old, and he thinks you can too. On this episode Sinclair goes in-depth on the process of aging and the techniques you can incorporate into your life that help you live a longer, healthier life, including optimizing your diet, the benefits of exercise, the role of a positive attitude, the importance of sleep, the three supplements he takes every day, why it’s never too late to slow the process of aging, and so much more.”
2. “ Did you know that 74% of Americans say they are more likely to trust someone if they have an established personal brand? If you want to build a personal brand that will influence more people, this episode is for you. So strap in for a step-by-step personal branding crash course from Rory Vaden. “
I don’t have a favorite video for today but if you reply with yours i’ll appreciate it.
📖 Book
The Cold Start Problem: Andrew Chen A startup executive and investor draws on expertise developed at the premier venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz and as an executive at Uber to address how tech’s most successful products have solved the dreaded "cold start problem”—by leveraging network effects to launch and scale toward billions of users.